Optimum GL 150
Manual table: 150x70mm
Magnifications: 18X to 470X
Fields of view: 1 to 18.3mm
Focal Length: 74 to 86mm
OpenMIC 50
Manual table: 50x50mm
Magnifications: 10X to 65X
Telecentric device
Magnifications: 10X to 150X
Fields of view: 2.8x2.1 to 45.1x33.8mm
MA 113-110
Magnifications: 10X to 100X
Fields of view: Ø1.3 to Ø13.8mm
Angle: 120°
MA 116-110
Magnifications: 10X to 100X
Fields of view: Ø1.3 to Ø13.8mm
Angle: 90°
Clamp to hold “delicate” small parts